Friends from other countries who may see this humble site will be invited to spread the culture of peace. One project already underway is to put the slogan “PEACE IS POSSIBLE” on the UN emblem. For this we already have a partnership with a school in Porto União (SC) and we have an agreement with the Lions Club of União da Vitória (PR). The project is already in the format with drawings of students on the need for peace in the world and publication of a booklet, which will be distributed free to all people fighting for peace. If you think you can help, follow all the information in this fight from today and share with your allies, family, friends, co-religionists and so on. Humankind will one day thank for the little that each can do for peace: the LITTLE OF EACH ONE will be ENOUGH FOR THE SURVIVAL OF EVERYONE.


Repórter desde 1969 atuou em nove rádios e três jornais. Formou-se em Relações Públicas, Jornalismo e Direito. Realiza reportagens especiais independentes acompanhando os principais fatos do Sul do Paraná e Planalto Norte de Santa Catarina.

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